At work we recently switched from using CruiseControl to Hudson for continuous builds.
Originally I was just trying to upgrade CruiseControl so that we could add in a plugin to support Mercurial (we also recently switched from Subversion to Mercurial for version control). We were on a fairly old version of CruiseControl. After upgrading, we were having lots of headaches with the web interface freezing up, and I had to write a Mercurial label incrementer plugin, and I didn't really like the new web interface anyway. I finally got frustrated enough to try something new.
I threw Hudson on the machine, and had builds up and running so much more quickly than in CruiseControl that I was sold almost immediately. Some of the differences that I really liked were:
* No editing XML. All configuration in Hudson can be done through the web interface. It's also easy to create build configs for new clones/branches. When you create a new Job, you can create it based on an existing Job, and then just change a few names and paths.
* Plugins are listed and installed through the web interface. This was probably the single best part of Hudson compared to CruiseControl. With CruiseControl, I was left searching for plugins to see what existed, and going through the hassle of researching and installing plugins to try to get things working. Hudson lets you see all the available plugins in one place. That was really handy.
* Hudson automatically detects if test cases fail, and will mark the build as "unstable". It's also really good at showing you the test case failures within the Hudson web interface.
* More features. I could probably get all of these things in CruiseControl, but it's so hard to find plugins, that I didn't try very hard. In Hudson it was easy to get it to host/expose my javadocs. It's easy to link to the most recent artifacts with static urls. It's also possible to have "slave" build machines so that long builds don't hold everything up.
* The email notifications are better. I only get emailed the first time a build breaks, and not for every subsequent failure. It also emails me when the build is fixed.
Now I'm guessing that I could probably get CruiseControl to do most or maybe all of those things, but when Hudson makes it so easy, why try to figure CruiseControl out?
The only trick I had to work out was getting Hudson to show the build revision. We use build revisions in our bug tracking system, so that developers can let testers know what revision a bug fix was made in. The solution I found was to use the "Hudson Description Setter Plugin". I installed the plugin in Hudson, then modified my build script to output the Mercurial revision. I created an ant task that I run as a dependency in my build task:
<target name="revision" description="Stores the latest revision number in revision property">
<echo message="os: ${}"/>
<condition property="unix">
<os family="unix"/>
<echo message="is unix: ${unix}"/>
<equals arg1="${unix}" arg2="true"/>
<exec executable="sh" outputproperty="revision" errorproperty="revision-error" dir="${basedir}">
<arg value="-c"/>
<arg line="hg identify -n | tr -d '+'"/>
<property name="revision" value="unknown"/>
<echo message="rev: ${revision}"/>
Then I activated the plugin in my build configuration in Hudson, under "Post-build Actions" (the checkbox named "Set build description"), and set the regular expression to "rev: (.*)" and the Description to "[version] \1". All subsequent builds will have a description with the Mercurial revision in it (e.g. "[version] 12345").